01 November 2006

IT Suite

The Learning Centre Library IT Suite will be opening on Monday 20th November 2006.

The IT suiteThe Suite consists of 29 workstations plus printing and scanning facilities.

NB: Printing will be charged at 5p per sheet.

Please note that you will need a current ELHT login and password to access this service.

07 September 2006

Coming Soon in October!

The Learning Centre Library will be acquiring an IT Suite and IT Training Room towards the end of October.

The IT Suite will comprise of approximately 30 workstations providing access to the UCLAN and ELHT networks. Print stations and scanning facilities will also be available.

The IT Training Suite will consist of 9 workstations and will be utilised in the delivery of IT training

29 June 2006

This is the Learning Centre Library ... we are now live ... please do not swear !!!

We are now open, please come and visit us in the Learning Centre at Queens Park Hospital (which will be known as the Royal Blackburn Hospital from the 8th July). All members currently registered with the Trust library will be required to re-register. Any existing members who are not currently registered on the UCLAN system will need to do so. All UCLAN members will now also need to be registered onto the Trust system.

Photograph of the library from the entrancePhotograph of the library counterPhotograph across the mezzanine levelPhotograph looking down from the mezzanine levelPhotograph of old trash being taken to the skip

The above photographs reveal the new look of the Learning Centre Library

23 June 2006

The Move!!!

All staff have been involved in an extremely busy couple of weeks. The old libraries have been completely emptied and the new learning centre library is now starting to look like a library. The photographs below show how the library has progressed, and also reveals one of two comfortable seating areas available.

The library will be open for business on Monday 26th June.

Photograph of the shelving from the mezzanine levelPhotograph of the removal cratesPhotograph of Vanessa hard at workPhotograph of the removal vans

09 June 2006

Moving Schedule

Both libraries are currently busy in preparing for the move which will take place during the week beginning the 19th June 2006. Major decisions are being made by both teams, including a recent debate about crockery design, and the positioning of office notice boards.

Both libraries will close on Friday 16th June. Removal vans are booked, car parks will be cordoned off, the female staff members are looking forward to the arrival of removal men in the current climate and have already invested in large quantities of diet coke.

Photograph of the library entrancePhotograph of the mezzanine bannisterPhotograph of the mezzanine levelPhotograph of the mezzanine level

The above photographs reveal the latest stages of the development.

13 April 2006

"Access For All"


The UCLAN and ELHT libraries based at Blackburn Royal Infirmary will be moving from their current location to Queens Park Hospital in June of 2006. The UCLAN and ELHT services will merge to create a multidisciplinary partnership to provide information services and support to all students and health professionals based at the site.

Photograph of the mezzanine levelPhotograph of the main library floor

Photograph of the main library from the counterPhotograph from the ground floor up to the mezzanine level
The above photographs taken recently show the current stage of the development.

About The Library

The new library will have the main book stock and service points situated on the ground floor, with a mezzanine floor to accommodate the journals collection. An IT suite with approximately thirty workstations and an attached training room will occupy a further floor. All workstations will offer flexible access to either the UCLAN or NHS network. A number of group study rooms will be available and all floors are easily accessible by lift.

23 March 2006

Photograph of the early stage of the developmentPhotograph of the early stage of the development

Photograph of the staircase leading to the computer suitePhotograph of the computer suite
The above photographs taken recently show the current stage of the development.