09 February 2007

From Monday 5th February you can access the Library 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To gain access your Trust ID badge must be coded for the back door of the Learning Centre and Library.

Those who don't have a Trust ID badge and are on placement within the ELHT Trust please contact the Library for an access card ... a refundable £10 deposit will be payable on receipt of the card.

24/7 will allow you access to the computing and study areas, unfortunately printing and borrowing facilities are not available at present.

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The Learning Centre Library held taster training sessions on 14/02/07 and 15/02/07

Team photograph

The sessions included the following ...

What is an athens password and what can i do with it?

How can I check the catalogue to see if you have a book in the library?

How can I get access to E-Journals from my computer at home?

Sarah holding a training session

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